Music Recommendation / 3 squared

I am probably going to sound like a b*tch here. What a wonderful way to begin a journal.


1) Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack

you can download it here for £3.79. I should note that this is the Danny Elfman stuff, not the Avril Lavigne/etc one. Highly recommend it though. The Elfman music really made the film for me.

2) The Moog

hungarian band who won some mtv europe award a few years ago. I've been listening to them constantly for a couple of weeks. Check them out on spotify to get a feel- album's called Razzmatazz Orfeum. Good songs to start with are Joyclad Army or Mina or This Is Horror. (Not that this will influence your decision but I should mention they're rather beautiful boys)

If you have no interest in my romantic life, if you can call it that, no one will blame you for skipping ahead to the comment section at the bottom where you can thank me for recommending you such wonderful things =D

Basically, I have a few people who seem to like me. And, of course, the guy that I like, well, he doesn't like me. So we have a classic case of unrequited affection. But onto the three guys who for some reason have taken leave of their senses and unwisely started to like me.

The first is a friend, who actually went out with my old house mate, broke her heart when he left for France, and recently reappeared in town and called me up and said some very strange and inappropriate things to me when he was drunk. And phoned twice on Saturday night and left four texts asking me to come out.

The second guy is actually a friend of his who I kissed on Halloween. Okay, okay, I shouldn't have done it. And I don't fancy him but I understand that that was giving him the wrong signals. But he's texted me four times and tried to add me on facebook and...where's the boy's pride? Perhaps I'm being unfair but surely he must have realised that I'm not responding?

The third boy is someone I'm writing with, who actually asked me, point blank, regarding the boy I actually like, "What's he got that I haven't got?". And, if only to teach him never to ask that question again, I told him exactly what he had, i.e. he's taller, wears glasses, etc.

I know what this must sound like. Oh, poor old me! Boys keeps liking me! Oh noooooo! Thing is, when they're not the right person it can be something of a nuisance. What a to do.
November 12th, 2010 at 01:20am