Aric Bostick (Life changer)

So, I'm not a huge journal writer, for a lot of different reasons. But I just have to tell you guys this.

Alright, I live in a small town in Texas. It's about 8 hours away from Austin and 3 hours away from El Paso. (if you're familiar with those places, I just use those becase they seem to be the most popular places around me.) About a month ago I had to write an essay about how this college program I am part of, (GearUp) has helped me throughout my highschool years.

Now, college has always been a tough subject for me. Mainly because I just hate school, and I don't want to go to it. Simple as that. And I still don't want to. Never have, never will. It's just a choice that I've made, and I'm sticking to. The most I'm going to do is go to a hair cutting school, if that.

Anyways, back to the point. In my school, there's only four Seniors, including myself. We had to write an essay about said program and how they have helped. Mine got chosen by the proffessors at the college in Corpus Christi. My essay beat all of the other 5 schools around me. I won a trip to Corpus Christi.I went with about 9 other kids that were from different regions and what not.

I had the most amazing time of my life there, especially with my roommate. Her name is Briana, I swear, we were like meant to be friends. For the first time ever I got along with someone and I could talk to them freely without being afraid that they would think I was crazy. I felt like me and her could take down the world together, and we did when we were there. We were only there for about three days, but it felt like we had known eachother for years. Seriously. Best times ever.

On with the point...

Aric Bostick. Look him up, go 'Like' his fanpage on Facebook. Just take some time out of your life, to look him up. He's a motivational speaker, and he is serioulsy such an amazing person. He made me change my outlook on life. He pretty much made me a different person, you know? He just had such an impact on me, and it's the first time that anyone's ever had that affect on me.

He talked to us for hours, and it didn't seem like it. He stripped down to a Superman costume, he walked in wearing swim gear, he got on top of tables to throw stuff (for promotion) was just amazing. was my first time ever to go to Corpus Christi, which is like 10 hours away from me, the first time I've ever gone to a beach, the first time I had a blast in a very long time. But he stands out the most.

Like, it's not really HIM, himself, but what the did. He listened to you, he talked to you, he understood you, or tried to. It just makes me think...if only there could be more people like him in our lives, the world wouldn't be the way it is right now. People wouldn't be committing suicide over their sexuality, or being bullied and so on.

He just really made me think, and change my outlook on life and how things really are. We take so many things for granted, and we don't realize all that we have. We don't take into account that we really are LUCKY. I mean, take for instance my roommate. I'm not going to tell you all her life story, because frankly...that's none of y'alls business. But I will tell you that she has her fair share of problems, and she's hit quite a few rough spots in her life. I mean, who hasn't, right? But she still manages to cope, and get through thanks to her own means of life support, her own things that keep her sane and still going.

The moral of the story? Aric Bostick changed my life. I'm not going to go all out and say that he SAVED my life, but he has certaintly made it better. So I'm begging you, look him up. He's just simply, amazing.

Thank you for reading this all the way through, if you did.
November 12th, 2010 at 03:19am