basix ;
full name: Aleeuh Veronika Harper <3
nickname: Aleeuh.
age: 18.
birthday: july 30*
height/weight: 5'2" ; 101/ :o
siblings: older brother <3
piercings: ears of course, and upper lip. but i get pierced a lot, then i get tired of them, so i take them out and get new piercings. :D
tattoos: birds by both hip bones.
hair color: naturally blonde, but died dark red.
eye color: green.
born: whut ?
current location: texas. D: might be moving to australia after i graduate & me & sean get married?

do you ;
smoke: yuhp.
drink: yuhp.
swear: all the time.
have your liscence: yuhp.
have a car: mhmm.
what kind: 1993 mercury topaz. it's awesome. >:D
like thunderstorms: ohmyginger, i love them <3

in the past month have you ;
been drunk: bunches of times. (:
had sex: yeah.
smoke pot: yeah.
kissed the same sex: naah.
kissed the opposite sex: of course.
been to a party: duh.?
gone skinny dipping: uhh. i think?

have you ever ;
hooked up with 2 people in 1 weekend: i don't recalll.
ran away: yuhp.
been out of country: yes, the uk, it was amazing <3
been arrested: haha, yeah. a couple times. like two or three. haha. :D
been to jail: does juvi count ? >:D
gone to a strip club: ewhno D:
been to the principle's office: of course.
been suspended: yuuh.
gotten detention: duh. who hasn't ?
skipped class: yeah.
cheated on someone: hell no.
been cheated on: nope, i'm lucky. (:
been in a physical fight: duh.
been in love: am now <3
broken a bone: of course.

this or that ;
single or group dates: single. unless it's with someone gross. then group. :D
coffee or hot chocolate: java chip fappachino's from starbucks <3
chocolate or vanilla: choco.
day or night: night (:
love or money: love. definitely.
November 13th, 2010 at 01:47am