Marching Band: Band Stats :D

Monsoon Marching Band 2010 Season Stats
Marching Season: July 26th-November 6th – 3 ½ Months - 108 days

Physical Training
Laps run: 20+ miles
Push-ups done: approx. 1500
Sit-ups done: approx. 1800
Miles Marched: incalculable (at least with Chief's math skills)

Rehearsal Time
Band Camp: 60+ hours
Before/After School Rehearsals: 82 hours
Student Led Sectional Rehearsals: 20+ hours
Class time: 62 hours
Time spent at Festivals: 40+ hours
Total time put into an 8 minute performance: over 260 hours!
That is almost 11 straight days!

So sad season is over.. Already can't wait for spring training (: Next year will be even better than this year, I have no doubt. I <3 the Monsoon Marching Band (:
November 13th, 2010 at 04:56am