First Journal: Delima #1 (Dreams or New Intrestests)

Dear readers,
For the past couple years i've known that i want to become an author---the best author i can possibly be---but lately i've been particularly intrested in music, whether it's drums, vocals, or, most recently (most intensly), guitar.
I know what you're probably thinking. "Why can't you play the music and still write?" Seeing as i don't dream of being in a band or anything. The thing is, this guitar seems to be overpowering my keyboard and pens.
And to make things worse, even though i'm only in eighth grade, i find myself looking up universities, (why not start young, right?) but now i don't have any idea what i want to major in. I am aware that you guys can't make the decision for me. However, i would enjoy some advice.
Help me?
November 13th, 2010 at 09:34am