about aleeuh.

so yeah, here's a little about me .
i got bored so , i copied & pasted .
have a problem ? no ? goood (;
i love picture comments, by the way <3

are you shy ?; nah, never.
are you selfish ?; not really, i guess.
are you spoiled ?; maybe ?
are you giving ?; i'm not sure .
do you flirt with your best friends boyfriend or girlfriend ?; naah, i'm engaged.
do you spend most of your free time on Myspace or Blackplanet ?; what the hell is black planet ? & i never even had an account on myspace ; shit's lame .
do you lie ?; i try not to. but i do. D:
are you conceded ?; nah man, it's called confidence (;
would you help an old lady carrying groceries ?; probably not, ha.
do you go out of your way to get attention ?; not really .
do you go out of your way to help someone ?; sometimes, if i'm feeling helpful .
do you get into arguments a lot with people other than your siblings ?; i try not to, but if a bitch wants to confront me about shit then some bitch's gonna get fuhcked up .
have you ever kissed someone who is just a friend ?; nah. well maybe when i'm drunk.
do you watch dora the explorer ?; nope .
do you believe in magic ?; nope/.
do you talk back to your parents ?; not unless they're being stupid, which really isn't very often.
have you ever threatened someone ?; like threatened to kill ? nawh. but threaten to beat the shit out of them ? hellll yeah (;
are you afraid of the dark ?; not unless i watch a super scary movie/;
would you prefer Spongebob or CSI ?; either is good .
have you ever lied to make someone happy ?; nope ; honesty's best policy.
does your Myspace or Blackplanet picture show a picture of your face or your body ?; i don't have either of those .
would you prefer soda or juice ?; juice ; i don't drink soda .

honestly *

what's on your mind right now ?; a super good book i'm reading. NERD (;
what color is your underwear ?; HELLO KITTY ;D
what are you doing right now ?; typing ? obviously .
what did you do today ?; hung out with sean & talked about stuff, then went shopping with my mommy (:
do you think you are attractive ?; i do actually.
have you done something bad today ?; uh. yeah. D:
do you watch disney channel ?; not really. but sometimes i will.
are you jealous of someone right now ?; a little. but everyone gets jealous/.
what makes you happy most of the time ?; sean & my best friends <3
do you bite your nails ?; ewh, no.
what is your mood right now ?; alright. it'd be better if i had chinese though. :D
have you had an eating disorder ?; yes. but not anymore, i'm better (:
do you want to see someone this very minute ?; of course !
do you have a deep dark secret ?; not really.
do you hate someone right now ?; hate is a strong word/;
who/what do you want to hug right now ?; anyone that wants a hug ! ;D
are you loyal ?; mostly.
are you in denial ?; about.. ?
wouldn't you rather be having sex right now ?; yes (;
who is your best friend ?; kieren & hannah ! <3
have you ever consumed alcohol ?; duh .
do you like someone ?; nope, i'm engaged <3
does anyone like you ?; yes.
is it going anywhere with them ?; huh ?
did you answer all these questions honestly ?; of course .

thanks for reading ! (:
November 14th, 2010 at 12:00am