Hello my Fans. ^_^

Just a word to all you lovely people.

I have a life.

I should end it there...

However, I wont.

I go to college. I am currently working on getting my diploma in Hospitality Administration. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically a program for becoming managers of Hotels. Yup, they make real $$$.

This semester happens to be really tough for me as it all deals with the math side of business. So accounting (debits, credits, assets, revenue), cost controls (Food costs, Beverage costs, net worth, net loss), and other tough classes such as SALES. My semester has been condensed from 4 months to 10 weeks, so imagine the stress yes? (I also have a learning disability in math. So ten times the thinking.)

I work. Unfortunetly, I am not one of those who gets college paid for by my parents, grandparents, family, etcetc Though i wish I was. So on top of doing 4 months of school work in 10 weeks, I am also working about 3 shifts a week, two of which are saturday and sunday(Clearly, my weekends are out for updating).

Work is tiring. I work at Tim Hortons and love it. But wait, before you go on to say how pouring coffee is the easiest thing in the world, you should know that Tim Hortons is a growing restauraunt and you should work there before you judge. Needless to say, I am tired at the end of my week.

In between school and work, I like to see my friends and family. They are important to me. I like to hang out with them once in a while (instead of shutting myself away with my music to write awesome lit). See how they're doing outside school/myhouse. I love my friends. One of which you can search for under the name Sayiloveyou. =]

In conclusion, I do not do well to rude messages telling me I need to update because the reader has lost interest due to long time periods between updates.

(1. If you've stopped reading because you can't wait a few weeks for a chapter. You are not my fan. 2. If you've stopped reading because you can't wait a few weeks for a chapter, you are not my friend. 3. if you've stopped reading because you can't wait a few weeks for a chapter, FUCK YOU.)

SORRY I'M NOT A MAGICIAN! I should work on not sleeping so that YOU can satisfy yourself with my CRAPPY WORK. (I say crappy because if I was sleep deprived, my work would indeed be crappy.) I'm sorry if I like to give my readers something substantial to feed their imaginations with.

However, I love cutsey messages such as :

"I love this story. UPDATE PLEASE IM DYING! ^_^"

^ They make my day.
November 14th, 2010 at 01:45am