Beady Eye, Noel Gallagher, and Oasis. [Music & Questions]


Well, Beady Eye is Liam Gallagher, Andy Bell, Gem Archer, and Chris Sharrock, and they formed post-Oasis. And I've been anxiously awaiting their new material because Andy, Liam, and Gem have awesome voices and songwriting abilities.

So I was on tumblr checking out F*ck Yeah Noel Gallagher and they let me know that Beady Eye had released a song for free download. After the initial OMGWTF spaz, I downloaded it.

I'm listening to it, and it's pretty frickin' awesome. It's called Bring the Light and it's got a catchy old school rock 'n' roll piano bit on it, a driving backbeat, and an amazing riff played by one of my favorite guitarists. I can't tell if it's Andy or Gem, but it sounds epic.

Which makes me even more excited because Noelie G's solo project is coming out eventually. Noel is the best lyricists around, no doubt.

It's not due until 2011/2012, but I can't wait. I love everything about Noel's music - the lyrics, the melodies, and the voice. <3 LOVE.

Beady Eye's album's coming out summer 2011.

Finally, the good music is back, man! No more of this crud that's been taking over the radio, no more of the bad rock that popped up in Oasis' abscence.

The world will have four quality artists once again, instead of the two that are around right now. :)

And I've been watching Oasis concerts on my new hi-def TV. And the magic is still there for me.

Don't Look Back In Anger still gives me goosebumps. The solo on Live Forever moves me. I can't believe this musical superpower is gone.

I cried about it again today.

I'm ordering NME's Oasis breakup issue. It's going to be so sad yet so amazing to read it. I was alive for all of Oasis' amazingness, but I could only appreciate it recently, considering I was a few months old when Definitely Maybe was released.

So here's my song for all of you to listen to while you answer the questions below.

Amazing song, amazing performance, amazing in general. Lovelovelove. <3

Questions pour vous
1. Favorite band and why?
2. Do you/have you ever listened to Oasis?
3. That video... didja watch it/like it?
4. Excited for any new releases coming up?
5. Do you like/listen to Kasabian? (If not, check 'em out.)
6. Love youuu. <3
November 14th, 2010 at 02:25am