Glass Pepsi Bottles.

Does glass bottled sodas taste different to you? They do to me. I feel like the flavor is as empty as in a can. They also make me feel like a grown up. Which I'm nearing being a grown up. Eighteen is considered grown up right? Well, still, glass bottles me me feel like a grown up. No questions, if, ands, or butts. Yes, I just said BUTTS(:

My point for this journal;

I just finished the Pepsi and sicked in all the air from the bottle. I loosened my lips to release the air back into the bottles and it made my lips flap like a flock of mad bats. It tickled. It tickled a lot.

So that's all. .Thanks for reading. This was pretty much pointless, but I thought I needed to share my childlike moment while feeling like an adult.


ps; I think i'm very happy happy right now.
November 14th, 2010 at 04:47am