It's Not You...

Dear Friends of mine,

I feel like I owe you an explanation for just running out on all of you. I mean, I do feel like I'm being an awful person because I don't talk to you guys everyday. It's just, the passion and excitement I had for this site is just.. gone now. I don't mean that to sound so weird and flaky, but I feel bored and tired of the same things on mibba. I mean, I want something new.

So my mom got me a laptop, and I'm still writing like a maniac, but this writing is just for me for now. I mean, it's on my personal laptop in my own little world and I love that, and I love having freedom to do what I want without backlash or people asking me to do things.

Take Learning to Love June for instance, I mean, towards the end I really wanted to stop this story because the writing was not my best, and I just wasn't excited about it anymore. But everyone who read it was pushing me to finish it and I felt like I owed them something. I want to almost go back and change things because it didn't end the way I wanted it to end, I mean I thought things were going to be different but I just wanted to be done with it.

I feel like in my room I have privacy to erase and start over again as much as I please. I feel like I can do whatever I want and I don't have to worry about someone telling me that no matter how hard I'm trying, I'm just [j]not good enough. And it has nothing to do with the amazing and wonderful people that I met on here. In fact, I feel like I'm going to remember most of you forever: Tammy, Jordan (Alice), Connor, Em, Patty... there's so many that I can't even name them! And I want to stay in touch with you guys! I want to give you guys my number so we can talk and share things and you can still support me.

I'm not saying this is goodbye.

I'm saying it's... see you later.

November 14th, 2010 at 02:29pm