Divorces/Living with one Parent

I've lived with my Dad for 10 years now.
I've lived without my Mom for 10 years now.

Both kind of go hand in hand, considering they split up, and eventually divorced before I even entered school.
A lot of people don't actually realize how hard it is, to live with only one parent. The constant reminders every day, the feeling of abandonment.
I'm not so much talking about the kids who either switch between households, living with their Mom from Wednesday to Friday, and their Dad from Saturday to Tuesday. I'm talking about the people who hardly or never see/have contact with one of their parents.
I've had people ask me what the big deal about living with one parent is. That at least there's only one person to nag me!
Ha ha.
After ten years, I'm pretty sure I'd gladly accept a lifetime's amount of nagging just to see her for more than 3 days in the summer, and 2 in the winter. I'd even accept all of that nagging just to be able to talk to her every couple of days without some kind of excuse for her not to. 'Oh, my phone died and I didn't have access to a land line.' 'You could call ME, you know!' 'Oh, sorry Cassie. Your Mom isn't home. She's out with her friends.' In other words, smoking pot. It's just sort of a slap in the face.

The other day, I was at my friends house, and she was with her mom in the living room, dancing and singing to some song with her Mom, recalling memories of when she was little, laughing about them. Meanwhile, I was sitting there on the couch trying my hardest not to cry, cause I knew I'd never experience that.
I'm not very close with my dad, and for most of my childhood, he was drunk, or whatever drug he was into at that point in time.
He's always stressed, and never really interested in what I'm doing, so I can't reminisce with him either.
I guess you could say I was physically and emotionally abandoned by my mother, and for the most part, emotionally abandoned by my father.

As stupid as it may seem, it IS really hard not growing up with one of your parents, and I can totally relate to anyone who has a tough time with it as well.
My parents constantly insulting each other, making me dislike the other for a while until I'm converted to the other side. It's like I can't really just love both without them being unhappy about it.

A lot of people go through this, and don't really seem to realize it. What kind of pisses me off, is how MUCH it happens.
I just wish parents would be more careful about who they choose to marry and have kids with. I mean, I know they can't help it if they fall out of love, or just grow tired of each other, but it's just stupid.
The amount of turmoil children have been put through due to something so simple. It just blows my mind.

Anyways, I just needed to get that off my chest. Hopefully people can relate to what I'm saying here.
If you're going through this, and you need to talk about it, I'm here. Everyone needs someone to talk to and thankfully, I have a great therapist. However, some people don't have one, and feel like they have no one to talk to. I know I did for the longest time. I'm open.
November 15th, 2010 at 05:30am