Living in the Past

Have you ever realized that you were living in the past? Were you listening to an old band that you loved when you were younger or watched an old movie or show that had you dressing and trying to be like them?

In my world, I am living in the past. I love to watch my old show Sailor Moon and the movies I still have from when I was little. I enjoy listening to the Backstreet Boys and Dream Street and remember all the memories that go along with them. I believe everyone had these moments in their lives at some point.

A couple of my best friends love to watch Sailor Moon with me, and for all of you out there who want to watch it too the website we go to is and you can watch Sailor Moon right from the beginning to the end. We have so much enjoyment of singing along with the theme song and remembering how we used to dress up like Sailor Moon. It was our favorite show when we were five years old.

As for the Backstreet Boys and Dream Street, I used to listen to them when I was little, and even today. I saw the Backstreet Boys on Oprah and just had to listen to my old CDs just to hear them sing. Dream Street’s favorite song of mine was “It Happens Every Time.” I remember that when I was little I liked Chris Trousdale not Jesse McCartney like I did when I got a little older, because I thought Chris was cuter back then.

You know when you are watching a movie, and you see the part where the character’s dad finally had enough money to get you that doll you wanted many years ago when you were like seven and it still makes you so happy to have it, even though it took so long to acquire it? That moment right there is my center of happiness. I love those moments. Those moments remind people that they were once a child and were happy whether or not what your life is like now.

The past will never die as long as you will live and those moments that I love so much, I will always remember. No matter how bad life gets, you will always have memories to fall back on. You may not have the items to back them up but you do have a mind that holds a lot of them all you have to do is find them.

As for those of you who love to live in the past too, keep those memories. As for me, I am going to watch Sailor Moon whenever I can, and I will probably play the Backstreet Boys and Dream Street at my wedding just to relive those moments when I didn’t have a crush on anybody but them. These moments I will cherish forever and I hope that you never forget how those special moments in your past really are.
November 16th, 2010 at 12:49am