Way to kill my writing spree for me man who married my mother >.<

I just figured it out. My step father is the one person that just kills my writing mood just by being in the same room, just by gracing us with his presence. I was seated round the kitchen table typing away like a mad man on my NaNoWriMo story and as soon as he walked through the front door, announcing his arrival from church, it all went downhill. I just stared at the screen wondering what the hell else I could possibly add to it. Thanks step father for breaking my muse, for killing my writing spree, for… for… ugh.

Now, even seated in my room, I still can’t seem to write a thing.

I quite possibly might fail NaNo completely, I only have just a bit above 18,000 words now, which doesn’t exactly help my case since I had last a bit over 15,000 words. Just great…

But, I do refuse to lose. So, I’ll pull an all-nighter if I have to over and over again, even though I’ve been failing miserably at even that. I will reach that 50,000 words if it’s the last thing I ever do with my fingers.
November 17th, 2010 at 03:16am