What's appropriate for Facebook and what's not?

This girl in my grade, 9th, has been dating this kid for awhile now. To be fair, they dated for a bit in 8th grade, broke up for a year, and have been back together for about two months. Now, I don't know her life story, I don't talk to her that much. But I just went to Facebook, and her status came up on my wall, talking about having sex with this kid.

I'm like, really? To post that on Facebok? I mean, come on.

What do you put on your Facebook, if you have one? I put up quotes. Personally, I find it annoying when people make status' referring to their plans for the day, because I don't rightly care. But that's just me.(:

Sorry for the excessive journals today, folks. I've been bored.
November 17th, 2010 at 03:23am