My second journal in the matter of 30 minutes.

I'm writing a story!
It's called, " Freedom Spells. "

It has to do with, Harry Potter sinse I'm obsessed and all the goodness.
You should all read the first chapter. But take It seriously! I wanna know what you really think.

Don't flame me! I'm new, and I'm just doing basic story telling.
You'd love this one though.
Hermione gets captured, but is secretly turned on by the look of, Draco Malfoy! Lol.
Ron get's pretty jealous, although he's been real mean to her lately.

I'm not gonna spoil It for you though! You'll have to read to find out.
Well, that's all. GO READ! GO, GO, GO, GO!

November 17th, 2010 at 03:51am