Still feeling bad

Eh I'm still feeling bad. I hate feeling like this. I hate having to admit I'm feeling depressed. I think that by now I actually know when I'm feeling depressed and when I'm just feeling down or upset about something.
I don't like admiting I feel like crying because let's face it I might be bisexual and look like a girl sometimes and model but I'm a guy and I have that stupid male pride and I hate crying.
And I'm at work right now and I can't keep on looking shitty and feeling sorry for myself. We have costumers and right now I'm taking a break and I'm waiting for the hair dye of this lady to be ready.

Eh I don't know. I just realized I don't have any website where I don't have real life friends but this one so I thought I'd write here.
November 17th, 2010 at 05:13am