An Sincerely Honest Mistake

I did it. I fucking did it. I got all my hair chopped off.

Now certainly YOU (the nosy person reading my journal at the moment) can't understand fully what this act meant. I've been growing my hair out for something like five years. It was down to my ass. And today I just walked right into the salon and snip, it's all fucking gone.

It's not that the guy did a bad job. It's probably pretty cute from anyone else's point of view. Plus I won't have to waste half an hour of my day detangling the son of a bitch anymore. And I admit that it does feel pretty good to be rid of it all. I think my posture's improved slightly from not having to carry it around.

But the problem I have with it is, I'm afraid that I actually look ridiculous. My hair used to curl up terribly when it was short, making it impossible to really do anything with it. In seventh grade, my mom tried to give me a Halle Berry cut; it came out Greg Brady. The guys in my art class called me Afro Thunder until we reached junior year. That's a looooooooooong time to have your psyche bruised daily.

So far it's not curled too horribly. It's just sort of poofy. Like Ray Toro's fro on a tamer day. Shit, I just caught sight of my shadow. It's definitely Toro-esque. I am never taking off my stocking cap again......
June 17th, 2007 at 08:08am