My worthless poem comments

I know I may sound a slightly bit stupid, but I really felt every word written into my poem, and like all my other poems, the poem does have a story behind the words. I know my poems may be hard to understand...but my most recent ones are all based on when some emotion came over me. Like...for example...My mother's first child died 11 minutes after she was born, my dad got to hold mother never did. Even though we have disagreements all the time, I still think thats horrible.
But what I was saying is that when I read those comments on my poem, I almost began to cry...tears weld up in my eyes. And trust me, I don't cry over things like I just wanted to thank you sincerily...and thanks OxygenFrost for being the first one to comment. And I know that nobody is likely reading this...but I just felt like putting this out there...and if you ever would like me to explain a poem's background story for you, just long as you don't judge the weird or DIFFERENT answere you'll recieve.
Thank you so much all.
November 18th, 2010 at 05:49am