Something to do while waiting for class. A little get-to-know-me-meme

1. Real name: Maxwell T
2. Nickname(s): Max, Maxxie. Most of the others arent exactly appropriate
3. Zodiac Sign: Leo
4. Male or female: Dude
5. Elementary School: Brentwood Prep
6. High School: Uppingham School
7. College: College is like after I graduate, yeah? Or is it 11 and 12?
8. Hair color: Dark brown
9. Tall or short: Tall
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
12. Phone or Camera: Phone
13. Health freak: Hell no. Give me sweets any day
14. Orange or Apple: Orange
15. Do you have a crush on someone? Eh, nah
16. Eat or Drink: Eat
17. Piercings: One in each ear and my lip
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke

19. Been in an airplane: Yep
20. Been in a relationship: Yep
21. Been in a car accident?: Yep
22. Been in a fist fight: Yeah. I lost.

23. First piercing?: Ear
24. First Best friend?: My mate Jed
25. First award: Don't remember
26. First crush?: Jed and I got married in pre prep
27. First word: Don't remember
28. Last person you talked to in person: Charlie, my room mate
29. Your first love?: Man, tempted to say music
30. Last person you texted: Steph
31. Last person you watched a movie with: Charlie
32. Last food you ate: French onion crisps
33. Last movie you watched: Titanic. I know
34. Last song you listen to: Alligator Blood by BMTH
35. Last thing you bought: French onion crisps
36. Last person you hugged: Steph

37. Food: Anything really
38. Drinks: Lemon tea. How brit is that?
39. Bottoms: I'd go around in my boxers if I could
40. Flower: Dont really care about flowers
41. Animal: Elephant
42. Colors: Black, red and green
43. Dramas: Don't have any
44. Fav. Subject: Music

(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] Fell in love with someone.
46. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [] Had your heart broken. (kind of)
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [x] had someone accuse you of something you didnt do.
51. [] got pregnant.
52. [] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] pretended to be sick.
59. [x] left the country.
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] hated someone.
66. [x] stayed single for 2 years.

67. Eating: French onion crisps
68. Drinking : Nothing
69. Listening to: Alligator Blood by BMTH
70. Sitting/Laying: Sitting
71. Watching : Computer screen
72. Waiting: For classes. Start at 7, it's only 5:20

73. Want kids? Yeah, Id love to be a dad
74. Want to get married? Sure
75. Career: Musician
76. Lips or eyes: Lips
77. Shorter or taller: Taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous
79. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Hmmm, both

83. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
84. Snuck out of a house: Yep
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope
86. Killed somebody: Not that I remember
87. Broken someone's heart: Yeah
88. Been in love: Yeah
89. Cried when someone died: Yep

90. Yourself: Sure
91. Miracles: Yes
92. Love at first sight: Yes
93. Heaven: No
94. Santa Clause: Yes. He's real. Just happens that my dad has two jobs
95. Sex on the first date: No
96. Hug on the first date: Sure

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes
99. Do you believe in God: No
100. Post as 100 truths? Nah
November 18th, 2010 at 06:22am