Jasey, Say You Need Me.

So, today my best friend on Earth, Chrisi (call her Christina, she hates it), joined Mibba. :D Her username is chrisi.x She is pretty much the coolest person there is. Get to know her, you won't regret it. She is pretty much the only person in my school that loves All Time Low as much as I do. And, she loves a ton of other radtastic music, as well. :D Don't tell her this, but her boyfriend is an overprotective slightly douche-y prick. And he is my friend, so that means he has to be bad. I also want you guys to know that she is mine. We have been married since 9-17-10! Which, might I add, is longer than she has been with her boyfriend. :D He is just a minor annoyance when it comes to our relationship.

Other than that, I guess you are just going to have to talk to her, kay? Awesome. :D

Anywho, how are you guys? Hopefully good. Unless you are genuinely an evil person, in that case, I hate you, go die. :) What are you up to?

Tell me something about yourself. Something cool. Something unique!

And tell me your favorite band, and song. Kay, GO!
November 19th, 2010 at 03:59am