Doctors. Test. French. This is going to take a while..

If you read this, I'm sorry if I waste your time.

I really have no where else to write it, and I don't feel like writing on a piece of paper, but typing it on the computer.

Enough with that, continuing with my subjects.


Went to the doctors, they still haven't found anything wrong with me, even though there is. I get to visit an ultrasound specialist for my abdomen, because there's something with one of those things that cause me great pain. >w<'
Then, probably a sleeping specialist. Yaaay.
Another doctor after that.


My second language is french, even though it's supposedly english, but first words were english. Anyways, I completely failed my french test. I got everything wrong.
My teacher basically told me I failed so bad, she's making me retake it.
Also, now we have to write two poems. One is based on a painting (I love the one I have) and then a "sonnet"... Don't know how to directly translate it, sorry.
It's super complicated, and I'm not sure how to pull it off.


I could go on and on about someone right now, but it would take a while.
She acted like a complete "female dog".


Everything is going great. Transition was good, I love being a goalie.
But I still want to scream at a guy on my team who told me, first time I put my goalie equipment on, "You know, if we lose, it's your fault."
So many times I've wanted to hurt that kid.
*talking about hockey, sorry about that.*


Everything is all good after that. :D

Peace out scouts. :]
November 20th, 2010 at 07:39am