
Okay, so I deleted my two unfinished stories Fire and Ice and The Sane Ramblings of Anna Reid. If you subscribed to these stories, I'm deeply apologize. I just feel as if they weren't going anywhere and I didn't really know what to do with them. I liked them, but I hadn't really thought out the plot as to how I wanted them to end or what I wanted to happen. I also lack the motivation and time needed to write a good story, and trying to write two at a time was a horrible idea.

That said, I am thinking about writing a new story, but I will not post it until I have several chapters and am absolutely sure I know what I am doing, because I hate to get people's hopes up. I do know that if I do post this story, it will be about zombies, because I absolutely love them and that is a topic I am extremely familiar with.

I highly doubt anyone will read this, but if you do, feel free to suggest any stories you want me to read.
November 21st, 2010 at 09:23pm