What is love?

Okay. First off, yes, when I wrote this tittle I started singing "What Is Love?" by Never Shout Never.

But my main reason for writing this is I want Mibba's (you) definitions of love.

I think about what love is a lot actually, but I don't quite believe in it.

Most kids my age think: teenage angst & lust = love.

For example...
A boy told my friend she was hot and she said that she thinks he's hot.
Then she's all like "Ohmahgawsh he's going ask me out! Blah blah blah."
Before he said that she was hot he said that I was hot and now he says this other girl is.
See a problem here?
I mean, she really thought they were going to be together forever because he said she's hot.

My friend that I really like told me he thinks I'm hot and I told him I think he is too...
We're still just friends.

I mean hey, there's more to a relationship than just attraction right?

Anyway, I'm planning to stay single for the rest of my life. I'm asexual.

But this morning I woke up and remembered some of the times I had with that certain friend I mentioned up there ^ and I felt like I really wanted him, yet that's just lust... Not love.


I don't get why girls say they're "heart broken" I mean, to me the heart represents life.
You live with your heart & love with your mind.

What's your view of love?
November 21st, 2010 at 11:37pm