Incest, and why people bother me.

There was a controversy a few days back about incest in the journal section.

I said that no one can say incest is wrong, just because they don't understand it. Today, I get a message from someone unnamed, asking me if I thought incest was normal.

I said; It doesn't matter if I think it's normal. I don't think it's wrong, though. Who am I to say who someone can love? Be it their sister or someone of the same sex, it's not my call.

This is what I recieved back; You're clearly a complete retard and do not understand the biological implications of genes overlapping when these "couples" reproduce. You must have pretty shitty parents or guardians or whatever. Byeeee(:

I'm a wee bit outraged. Wouldn't you be? Some people are just.. gyrfhjd. That's all I can say. I'm mad right now at how some people can be so rude and not think anything of it.
November 22nd, 2010 at 06:23am