Bonjour Mibba.

Yeh so. Last night I was just sitting there minding my own buisness, like one does, and I had the sudden urge to go on Im Not Okay again for the 1st time in months. So I go on and thought 'Why dont I post that story I've been writing...' So I go to do it, and it tells me I have to join Mibba, so I did, and here I am. Mibba-ing. Like one does.

Dunno why im talking like the bloody queen.

Yeh. So. So. So. Hi.

What the the journals for anyway?

Got another idea for a story but Im not gonna do that till Im further into 'love that kills'. Cos I'm really enjoying writing it. I realise its not the best thing ever written...far from it actually...but I like it. So. Yeh. Check it out.

Au Revoir.
February 21st, 2007 at 07:16pm