An Awkward Moment In Health

You see, health class usually isn't awkward at all. I think it just all depends on who you have in your class. We're studying the reproductive system, and this guy named Patrick read the journey of a sperm to us in fairy-tale format. It just doesn't get awkward.
Anyways, we had to draw the journey into our notebooks so we could study for a test later this week. It was the end of class and everybody was just sitting in their seats waiting for the bell to ring; you know, goofing off with friends, standing at the door inching slowly out into the hallway...
So I was talking to my friends Dennis and Jenna, and Dennis holds up his drawing and pointes and says "That is a vagina." I don't know why he said this but we're relatively good friends so again, it wasn't weird. Until I opened my big mouth.
I replied, "You wanna see mine??" And totally didn't realize how suggestive that sounded, until it was out of my mouth. I turned tomato red and burst out lauging, and the other two laughed too. It was rather embarassing and Dennis' face was also rather red.
When I tried to explain that I didn't mean it like that, Dennis just held up his hand and was like, "Don't even say anything. Just shh. That never happend."
It was so hilarious but also so awkward and embarassing.
Just so happens to show how much I don't think about what I say before I say it.
Other exciting Health news?
I get to have a flour baby in a week or two. It's an extra credit project that like my whole class is doing. I wish Bourne wasn't so poor so we could afford actual dolls, like the ones that cry and stuff? But nah, I get to go out and purchase a thing of flour and carry it around for a week, pretending it's my baby.
I'm sure that my boyfriend will get a kick out of it.
I'm naming it Charlie. The girl.
November 23rd, 2010 at 12:02am