Rawr..Hello there :)

Well, first journal on Mibba..man I remember Quizilla and how I used to write journals on there allll the time. Did any of you use Quizilla? before it changed and got all crappy? yeah...i miss that site...the old one, not the new one. oh well..time to start out fresh :)

Anywayyyy I'm really bored of school...like, high school....CRAPPPPPP I have a chem quiz tomorrow!!!! oh well.

So, I'm probably being very boring right now...why would you care if I used to use quizilla and have a chem quiz tomorrow?

What if I told you giant flying monkeys were attacking my house RIGHT NOW??!!!!!!

sorry....they're not.
that'd be interesting to witness...
I wonder where they'd take me...
the moon?
poor pluto....no longer a planet *sniff*

Well, i've wasted your time enough. feel free to talk :)

OH! by the way!
I'm working on this story called "Stay Forever" and i LOVE feedback! if you could PLEEEEAAASSEEE read it that would be amazing times 42383223473248. :)
Thank You!!
November 23rd, 2010 at 04:39am