23rd November

Journal entry one:

Well, its half four in the morning, I've just posted the entire contents of my phone's images onto the world of Facebook..Not sure if thats a good thing. Meh. Can hear the birds outside which is weird, you never see them but just the annoying high pitched tweets in the early hours.

Lately I have been searching for a comic con to attend, searching as in despratly clawing the realms of the internet for a good sci fi/supernatural-y one that is'nt over my price range, is in the UK and not sold out. Am i asking too much? Personally, i don't think so :)

It'll be my first con so i want a good experince, any help/advice on that will be amazing, to you convention geeks (nothing wrong with geeks 8)

Now i`m slowly getting tired..must..stay...away...from...energy...drinks..

Hmmm, i also would be thankfull for any amazing movie suggestions? something vampire-y but not twilight, i`m a lover but yah now. The amount of times i've watched them it gets annoying. I want something more..what the word?? "believeable" i`m sure you'll agree.

Well cia! take care, and much geek love!!
November 23rd, 2010 at 05:30am