Who died and made you gods?

To the liars and the haters, to the fakers and the posers.

To the teenies, to the punks, and to the hXc, and most importantly, to the scene kids who are just there because uncool is the new cool.

To all of you who can't listen to music without getting caught up in the scene.

Shut your damn mouths. Music is about what you feel and what you love, what you are.

If I hear ONE more person bitching about how Fall Out Boy, Green Day, MCR, about ANY band being a "sell out," I'm gonna go postal.

Just shut up.

I'm tired of this war of words where everyone is so positive that they know more than everyone else, so sure that they're superior to the other fans.

That's the worst part of the whole scene, I think.


The idea that you are not a true fan unless you have been listening to a band since they were playing in basements.

It's a fucking lie. A fan is anyone who truly appreciates the music of the band, or the band members themselves for the message they are trying to send.

End of story, period.
February 21st, 2007 at 08:57pm