Feeling Awkward

It's what you do? Right. You feel awkward. Sometimes it bugs you, sometimes it doesn't. But when you read something. It's AWKWARD. It's like a lifetime guarantee. Awkward. Like the turtle or octopus or whatever those kids are doing these days.

So did you guess how I'm feeling right now? Oh my gosh! If you said 'awkward' like i did once, twice, THRICE in that little thing up there, then aren't you the genius. I should send you a million dollars in the mail.

Sorry if that sounded sarcastic. Didn't want my first (and maybe last, who knows?) journal to sound sketchy.

Sketchy. Reminds me of a summer camp and nasty pools and the end of eighth grade. Good word though, am I right?

I am. Even if you don't admit it to yourself. You will in the end.

But yeah. Feeling awkward. It kinda sucks, wouldn't you agree? You don't know what to do. To perservere? To stop? Which will make it less awkward. It's a sort of 50/50 choice. I've seen both happen pretty equally.

Well, that's it. I'm feeling less awkward. I think by addresssing my awkwardness, I've made myself feel a tad better.

At least my hands aren't shaky! Haha.

Please, if you read this, give an example of an awkwardness-bringer. Or don't, 'cause that kinda sounded like a Health class assignment.
November 23rd, 2010 at 10:41pm