5 Things I Love And Hate About Writing

Hi, this is my first time doing a journal entry, and I'm going to start off with the things I hate, because something tragic happened to me with my writing today, which is number one.

5.) When you get writers block. Nothing sucks more than knowing it's a story that needs to be told, yet when attempt to come up with the rest...nothing.

4.)You and your character don't seem to agree what should happen. You know the story should go a certain way, but your character seems to have a life of it's own.

3.) A story turns cheesy. I find there is nothing worse than having a great story idea, and then it just turns to mush. Like a delicious ice cream sundae melting after you take only one bite. Dang it! I want more than just one bite!

2.) The little voice in your head that always urges you to go back and check the spelling and grammar once again, because you don't want to sound like a complete IDIOT to people reading your story.

1.) Having a file on your computer disappear, with no clue what happened. It's like Houdini's elephant that disappeared on stage. No one know how the heck it disappeared, it just did. And what was in that file? A story with 15k started, and you didn't even back it up.

Now I'll list the five things I love, which will hopefully put me in a good mood.

5.) Knowing you belong to a special "group". One where know one seems to understand the thrills of writing except for fellow writers.

4.) Getting an even better understanding of your characters.

3.) Being able to explore the story idea you had. It's so much easier for it to become whole when it's all written down.

2.) The feeling you get when you see you have a new comment on your story. There are very few greater feelings in life then knowing someone appreciates your work.

1.)The joy of the "zone". What is the "zone", you ask? When you are sitting at your computer typing, or at your desk writing, watching as your story springs to life, and unravels in front of your very eyes.
November 23rd, 2010 at 11:27pm