This is my wish

I wonder what it would be like to become someone new. SOmetimes i feel sick of being boring old me, but i guess that's what reading is for huh? You can become someone totally different and new and exciting at least for a little while.
But i want reality to allow me a new self. Not the person i see in the mirror i want to see me. not whats on the outside, I want the world to see ME.
The dreamer who never stops her imagination.
The artist with a beautiful soul just trying to get over the scars still there.
The little girl; who will always listen to your problems and make them better before even remembering she had any of her own.
The mother of everyone who walks into my life.
The keeper of the magic in a smile but never feels the light herself.
The one who would give every penny if you asked or seemed u needed it.

Why can't the world see this girl? Why are they AL blind but a few?
Maybe I'm supposed to hide this from all eyes...and only let those who see my smile feel my light.
My luminescence
That's why i was named Clare
Thats who I am. But i still wish they would see...
November 24th, 2010 at 03:01am