For our troops" Happy Thanksgiving."

How many of you have family over seas?
How many do you know have given there life for there country?
How many of you would give anything to have been there with them if only to be there for them when they died?
Well that's me. My family has served over seas for generations on both sides of my line. From Native American warriors on my fathers side to the German officers on my mothers.
But this tribute isn't only to them. no not at all. This tribute is to the men and women who will not be with their families this year for thanksgiving because they are protecting their country and their fellow soldiers.
Each and everyone of them is a blessing to our people. The people of America and need to remind these men and women how much we respect them, honor them, look up to them.
I only have a cousin over seas right now. And his term is proventing him from being here for Thanksgiving and the birth of his baby(they wont tell us what it is!!)
But My cousin says to us that its always worth it. Hes saving lives and helping protect the land of our people. And for that I will always honor him.
His wife is, of course, sad her husband wont be here for the birth of their child, but she too, has said" as long as hes protecting our home land, He will at least have the rest of the baby's life to be here."
Yes, this is his last term and im thankful for it. We will miss his weridness this year at Thanksgiving dinner, but its for America and even we cant compete with that.
God bless these men and women serving.
God bless America
and Happy Thanksgiving.
November 24th, 2010 at 08:14pm