Random thoughts from the Walrus. [Questions & Swap]

Hello, Mibbs. How are you this evening?

I've got a few things on my mind that I'd like to just... get out of my head.


You know what I find hilarious? Those groups that hate conformity conform to the standards of a group.


I mean, think about it. Boycott the mainstream... by shopping at a mainstream store. Boycott blending in and sameness... by blending in with a group where everyone's relatively uniform.

I don't really like conformity, myself. But I'm truly nonconformist. One day I'll wear a cardigan and a tank top with a skirt, the next day I'm wearing jeans and a Bruins jersey. Oasis t-shirt Monday, Rush shirt Tuesday, Beatles shirt Wednesday, you get the point.

And I'll shop at any store from PacSun to Aeropostale to Hot Topic to friggin' Wal*Mart. Labels on clothing mean nothing to me.

Bleh, I just felt like pointing out that irony. That those nonconformists conform. xD


So I'm telling Nate today/tomorrow/Friday, basically whenever I talk to him next, that I like him. Everyone's saying that it's not too early and they think he'll react positively, so I'm going for it.

Wish me luck here. <3


I'm not a big fan of Thanksgiving, so I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Too much work, too much food, not my kinda thing.

But happy Thanksgiving, everyone. <3


I'm teaching myself piano right now. And I'm learning a bunch of cool songs.

If you guys have any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.


1. Do you see the irony about conformity?
2. Think the Nate thing'll go over well?
3. Doing anything special tomorrow?
4. Any advice for piano?
5. Swap with Letters Unsent; Sentiments Unsaid? (You comment first, and you get what you give.
6. Did you know I'm always here for you if you need me?
November 25th, 2010 at 02:52am