
Hey guys, we're excited to be here on Mibba! Our account, though made of two people, is mostly run by Faryn (Me!). Here's a little bit of random stuff about us:

Faryn: Likes country music, Panic! At the Disco, and songs in Spanish. She very much dislikes when people can't get along. Her favorite foods are pizza, pomegranates, soft pretzels, and cinnamon rolls. She loves Harry Potter, and would be sorted into Hufflepuff House. She also likes Pride and Prejudice, swimming, and reading. Lots and lots of reading. She also really likes rain and thunderstorms.
(Follow Faryn on Tumblr here: []Tumblr[/url])

Adalia: Is an amazing writer. She loves Glee and shopping for cardigans. She is also a huge Harry Potter fan, but would be sorted into Ravenclaw house. She also likes reading, mostly teen romance/paranormal romance. She loves energy drinks and chinese food.

Both girls are huge supporters of A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel, and plan to become rich and famous by writing stuff together. They're best friends and great writers.

Our Mibba profile will be home to our Harry Potter fanfiction, "Golden Children" and the Others: Mibba and possibly some random drabble and short stories from both of us. We'll be sure to specify who writes what.

Both girls are in the middle of writing and editing their own respective novels, as well as doing Golden Children and writing two other stories together. Faryn also enjoys roleplaying.

That's us!
November 25th, 2010 at 05:29am