Reached in a turkey and found?

Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to put some new stuff up...but my school life is coming to a close for the semester so I've been so busy studying for test and writting term papers!! But I have been thinking alot about one thing in particular, music artist!
Do we really love our celebraties in the music business or do we like a single by them?
Honestly how many songs do we actually know from a music artist now adays? I have my favorites don't get me wrong but when you think about it how many songs do you own by someone you say you love on facebook and myspace? Its just something to think about I suppose.
My week has been super crazy filled with hardships, new beginnings, lessons learned, and fun. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I have thought about what I'm thankfull for .

1. My family- I could never imagine a life without the connection I share with every member in my family or without them. They bring me to life in my darkest days and teach me lessons I've yet to learn. I love them so much!
2. Mariah, never ever would I have thought that the girl who didn't talk to me when she sat at my table freshmen year would become more than my best friend..she like another siister. She knows me better than any of my friends and says what I don't want to hear. Which is what a true friend should do, it's not that she's not on my side she's just telling me what I need to know.
3. God's love- as a firm believer in christ the lord I am so thankful for his love and his grace. He's helped me through some tough times this year and has never failed to hear my prayer. My dad's a pastor and he just preached about something so true, he talked about how we need to live our lives not only saying thanks but through thanks living. That we need to show our thanks but living it day to day, even if its doing the things we don't reallly want to do, like cleaning your room before being ask or just being kind to those we don't always love, it's showing how thankful we are for life by living thanks. I personally believe that to be so true, so I've been trying really hard to show my parents how thankful I am that they can put a roof over my head, food in my belly (lol) and cloths on my back.
4.Good health- Yes I get sick alot and lose my voice alot but I want to be thankful for being able to get better and healthy again.
5.New friends- I have been afraid that I wouldn't make any new friends but it's funny how new friends are right in front of you. So many of my new really good friends were all ready in my circle, because they go to school with my brother but I've met so many at college and for that I'm thankful.
6. My gift, I love to sing and I thank god everyday for giving me my voice. I cannot imagine my life with singing or music.
7. Last but not least My band, being in a band has made me feel apart of something greater than anything I've been apart of. I am so thankful for all of our members, God truly has had a plan for us and I keep praying he will continue to bless us as we go for our goals! We just recorded our first Ep album so if yall want to hear it ask me for the info.:)

I want to say thanks to all of you who read my story, journals and poems! I love to write and I am so excited to have readers. So please keep reading! Also I am going to write a new chapter of my story Utopian delusion so please read it if you want!!!
Happy thanksgiving yall!!

funny story my sister and I had to prepare the turkey for thanksgiving and she reached in and pulled out the nasty stuff inside and I kept screaming because I was so freaked out. My sister made the turkey dance and I was laughing and screaming at the same time.
November 25th, 2010 at 07:13am