Letter to society

Dear society,

Do you realize how hard you make my life? I honestly want to cry all the time. I can't be pretty because I'm a not a size 2. Right? Thats how you make it feel. I push myself so hard to loose weight. Honestly if I ever gain a pound on this diet I will cry, literally. I've never liked my body and I probably never will. After 18 pounds I'm still disappointed in myself for it not being more.

Another thing, how is it fair that I may not be able to get married one day. Just because I fall in love with a girl and some people are too ignorant to realize it won't ruin the sanctity of marriage I may not ever have my fairytale wedding. My daddy may not get to walk his baby girl down the aisle. Things like this make me regret identifying as bisexual. At the same time its who I am and nothing is going to change that.

My life is a complete and total mess

November 25th, 2010 at 07:15am