Today, is it better if I say goodnight?

My mum is pissed off at me, but I don’t understand why. She seems to be angry at me because I don’t want to talk to her about the cutting thing. And she’s all pissy and stuff, every time I explain to her that it’s difficult talking to her she goes off on another shouting rampage. I don’t like talking to people about my feelings, it makes me feel vulnerable…in public I act all care free and act as if words don’t upset me. I’m strong in front of people. And to then be weak and open up my feelings to people I find so hard. This is why I love tumblr so much, I can talk about my deepest feelings without feeling scared or shy, it’s because I can’t see or hear you judging me or see on your face the disgust you feel for such a pitiful excuse of a person, that makes it easy for me to vent here.
#you don't have to read this..
November 25th, 2010 at 10:36pm