Black Friday shopping? i think not.

Screw that shit. I'm going to the Chicago Blackhawks hockey game tomorrow! They're playing against the Anaheim Ducks, and I can't wait to see em kick ass. That whole Black Friday crap is a waste of time. (Not that I've been or anything). The deals arent really all that great. Some people have actually camped outside a Best Buy just for tomorrow. Really? You camped outside a Best Buy to save, what, like 2 bucks off of a movie? Some people...i swear.
I've done homework all day, and I'm currently watching Back to the Future. Best. Movie. Ever.
My house smells like Turkey and stuffing....which is a really gross combination. My dad made a bunch of crap and I only had Turkey. But not just by itself! Ohh no. I had ranch and hot cheetos with it (: So much for having a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
But I don't give a hoot!
I believe there's pie in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer. Yummy stuff.
Moving on to other important things:
I entered this contest on Photobucket. Basically it was this picture of my dad and I:
And i was wondering if you fellow Mibbians would be willing to go and vote for me? Possibly give the picture a 5? I'd really appreciate it! I'd like to prove to my father and friends that I am not a failure at life!! ahaha
Here's the link to it:
Click here to vote for the above picture (:
And fear not! I have some questions for you lovely people.
1. Hockey fan?
2. Do you like stuffing?
3. Too soon for christmas music?
4. Let's be friends, yeah?
November 26th, 2010 at 12:32am