My thoughts on Danger Days.

I've had this album for about five days now, and I can't stop listening to it. It's so different compared to the other albums by them, but it's still amazing. My favorite songs are...I can't even chose just a few. I can tell you my least favorite, though- I really don't like "Goodnite, Dr. Death". Yeah, it's not a "song" song, but I still don't like to listen to it. It's just 36 seconds of Steve, Righ'? speaking and an old-style version of The Star Spangled Banner. Of course, I don't mind the first part (I actually think Dr. DeathDefying is awesome). It's the second part that bugs me.

But enough with that....

Track One- Look Alive, Sunshine: When I first heard this, I didn't know what to expect. Now, I know every word to it.

Track Two- Na Na Na: Of course, the first song new song that I was exposed to. Most of my friends who love MCR absolutely hate this song and refuse to hear the rest of the album. I liked how fast it is. It's the perfect dance song.
Best Part: "Everybody wants to change the world but no one wants to die. Wanna try?"

Track Three: Bulletproof Heart- Don't get turned off by the gentle beginning- it changes so much after the 36 second mark. It's another dance song. It's reminiscent of "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" at times, but it still keeps that "Danger Days" energy.
Best Part: "I ain't gonna be the one left standing. You ain't gonna be the one left standing, We ain't gonna be the ones left standing."

Track Four: SING- When I first listened to the chorus, I was a little iffy on it. Yes, it was sweet, but it reminded me so much of the Dresden Doll's song by the same name. When I read the lyrics, I calmed down. It's different enough for me to let it slide. The video for this is amazing, though. Go see it. Now.
Best Part: "Cleaned up/corporation progress/Dying in the process/Children that can talk about it,"

Track Five: Planetary (GO!)- It's hard to describe this in anyway other than sexy and fun. It's the "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison" of Danger Days in the sense of how quotable the lyrics are and the urge to dance you get when you listen to it.
Best part: "You're so unbelievable, Ah -- so unbelievable, Ah -- you ruin everything, Oh you better go home, I'm unbelievable, Yeah -- I'm undefeatable, Yeah -- let's ruin everything, Blast it to the back row."

Track Six: The Only Hope For Me Is You- Such a sweet song. The chorus is romantic without being sappy and matches the theme of the album perfectly. I have to call this one of my favorites.
Best part: "If there's a place that I could be/Then I'd be another memory/Can I be the only hope for you?/Because you're the only hope for me"

Track Seven: Jet Star and Kobra Kid/Traffic Report- 26 seconds of Dr. Death Defying. An intermission.

Track Eight: Party Poison- As soon as the first few words passed, I recognized it. Also Known As "Death Before Disco", this song was one of those performed at The Roxy. The attitude in the lyrics attracts me the most, but the intro makes the song. It wouldn't be the same without the intro.
Best part: "This ain't a party/Get off the dance floor/You wanna get down/Here comes the gang war"

Track Nine: Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back- The guitar intro is a nice beginning and ushers in the rest just right. It's edgy, If it weren't so poppy, I'd mistake it for a You Brought Me Your Bullets song.
Best Part: "I'm the only friend that makes you cry/Your heart attack in black hair dye/So to save yourself, I'll hold them back tonight"

Track Ten: S/C/A/R/E/C/O/W- A little slow for MCR, but it fits. It sounds so innocent, but look at the lyrics.
Best Part: "Hold your breath when a black bird flies/Count to seventeen and close your eyes/I'll keep you safe inside"

Track Eleven: Summertime- The beginning sounds like it belongs in the eighties, but the rest is awesome. Like the previous track, it's pretty slow.
Best part: "With brick in hand and your lip-gloss smile/Your scraped-up knees and..."

Track Twelve: Destroya- Marrying Lindsey must've given Gerard an MSI influence. A good influence, I should add. I'm not a fan of the title, but I am a fan of the song.
Best part: "You don't believe in God/I don't believe in luck/They don't believe in us/But I believe in the enemy"

Track Thirteen: The Kids From Yesterday- One lyrics in particular caught my eye, and that would be "you only hear the music when your heart begins to break". A criticism, but an accurate one. Damn it, Gee- you caught me. It sounds like reassurance to the fans if you hear the chorus. I cried the first time I actually listened to it.
Best Part- "you only hear the music when your heart begins to break".

Track Fourteen: Goodnite, Dr. Death: Don't like it. Moving on.

Track Fifteen: Vampire Money- BEST. INTRO. EVER. Another dance song, but another one of my favorites. I can't not smile when I hear it.
Best part: "[Gerard:] Well, are you ready, Ray?
[Ray:] Yeah...
[Gerard:] How about you, Frank?
[Frank:] Oh, I'm there, baby
[Gerard:] How about you, Mikey?
[Mikey:] F*cking ready...
[Gerard:] Well, I think I'm alright

In conclusion, I love it. Yes, they have changed, but they have not made any mistakes.
November 26th, 2010 at 07:14am