
So, commence second journal entry!!

Well I think my first action should be to describe the best Thanksgiving I think I've ever had. (It's not much of an accomplishment though. This is because mine are usually spent at my uncle's, and I swear he has a log in his pooper. My mom's family share this trait, and I hope it didn't pass unto me.) Anyway, it was spent at my darling friend Harley's house. (She did my layout for me, and that's why it's so pretty.) We hung out and her mother ordered her to do chores and I pretty much followed because I'm not so outgoing around people I don't really know. I got a little less awkward after a bit and started talking to people, but not by much. Everyone seemed nice, which was a great difference from what I'm used to. And then they started being interesting and I was like, whoa. (My family isn't interesting.) That's about it though. The food was yummy, and the only downside was a lack of cranberry sauce, which is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal. We watched a chunk of The Simpsons Movie. And we ate desert. I got so many compliments from so many people on my cranberry/almond/sugar pie that I was starting to wonder if they were just saying it.

So I'm thinking that's about it? I can't really think of anything else to share. So now onto you.
1. How was your Thanksgiving? Or what was your favorite part?
2. What do you love or hate about Thanksgiving?
3. What is one thing you gave thanks for?
November 26th, 2010 at 09:04pm