He who moved. Moved to New York.

My crush. My best-friend. My life.
He moved away. He told me today over the phone. I had invited him to the mall a few days ago. So today I text him and go Are you going to the mall. So he calls, I answer.
Me: You called?
Him: Yeah.
Him: I can't go.
Me:... Okay. Thats's fine.
Him: There's more to it then that.
Him: I moved.
Me:... *sniffle* That sucks.
Him: Yeah, a little bit.
Him: We'll stay in touch. Hey, I have to go, I'll call you back.
*Hangs up*

Me:O-O... >:(.... >:).... >:@... T.T.... :'(.... :')... :|......... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Life is pretty screwed up. It has ways to make you feel like your on top of the world... then you get hit by a train. I might as will go lay down on some rail-road tracks! How the heck will I survive P.E!?! WE NEVER EVEN GOT THE CHANCE TO DATE!!!!!! So I'm going to go to the mall with my friend and I'm going to watch people die at the Black day sales! I might as will die there! I wonder when he moved officially. He never implied he was moving. I'm glad he told me today and not last friday! I got to enjoy a little bit of my holiday -_-.

I want to tell him thank you. He was everything and more! :') I can't write anymore I'll start to cry.
November 26th, 2010 at 11:05pm