
Guess what
I'm just one person
You reading this right now
Yeah you probably don't care what I have to say
Heck you probably won't even remember what I said by the time you reach the bottom of this page
But oh well
I'm gonna go on anyways :)

Soooo yeah. Let's face it we're all pretty much screwed over every once and a while. Heck, for those really unlucky people, getting screwed over is a daily thing. It's honestly sad you can't 100% trust someone these day.
Okay, now I know what you're thinking. What? You're crazy! I can trust my best friend(s)! I can trust my family! I can trust etc etc etc.
Well let's take a journey down memory lane shall we kid. Parent's are an easy target to pin the 'NOT TRUST' button on. You wanna know why? Cuz from day one they've been lying to you. Wanna know how? Remember these guys? Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa, Evil Monster Under Your Bed. Yeahhh, we kinda know now those guys were flukes. But even worse, they still lie to TODAY! Asking them to take you out somewhere and their answer is "Sorry but I'm too busy right now". You go and check on them and you find them planted in front of the TV. See, they lied. "I can't buy this. It's too expensive!" And this is said while they haul in that big *ss, six dollar figure, work out set. Please what you wanted didn't even cost HALF of what that did.
Another one you're all probably confused about if your best friend(s). Well that one is a little harder to explain, but it can be done. Let's face it, everyone has their secrets. This includes your "BFF". "Let's promise to tell each other everything!" You remember saying that to each other?? Fast forward a couple of years and the conversation goes like this:
"Hey what's up? You look kinda down."
"It's nothing. I don't want to talk about it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's nothing."
Now let's remember the "Let's promise to tell each other everything!" Looks like that's one promise you two aren't keeping. Oh and the easiest thing to bring up is the: "Who-Do-You-Like? Oh-Nobody." one. Yeah obviously a lie. Especially if they're saying it with a stupid grin on their face.
So I guess we all have to face it some time or another. We ALL are screwed over at some point. Sadly, some just get screwed harder or more often then others. It's a suckish part of life that you just wish wouldn't happen. But it does. Not much you can do about. Well except for one thing. If you really care about someone, don't screw them over. And, if you can help it, don't let yourself be screwed over

Hugs and Good Drugs
November 27th, 2010 at 05:12am