haircut, harry potter, boys, and my all so awesome friends!

well....hell! it's been over a year since i posted my first and last journal entry.
Life is great so I'm not going to start complaining about my life. Even with all the shit that I have going on in my life...or have had happen in my life...a lot recently... i still find a way to look at the positive (:

So I just cut my hair last night...well it's still not finished because i need the back underside shaved some and i don't know why but i can't do the right side very welll... anyways it's really short and at first my mom was pissed!! but she gave up and was just like "it's your way of expressing yourself..."And really it's just hair so it'll grow back!!!!

Harry Potter
AAAAHHHHH! I fuckin love HARRY POTTER! sorry to those of you that haven't read the books/seen the movies/or like them. You are really missing out! It seriously is my life! and its funny because me and my friend are going to room together for college and her room is going to be full of packers stuff while mine is filled with art and Harry Potter stuff (: it's going to be great!
anyways i saw 7.1 movie last Friday night, when it came out, and I swear my life is changed! I read all the books back in 7th or 8th grade but I think i'm going to read them again.. (: and this last book, of course, one of the three that are my favorite! And i am so happy that the movie did a good job! but "spoiler" I wish Hermionie would beat the crap out of Ron when he comes back after leaving them for a few months! Trust me I LOVE Ron!! and I have been compared to Hermionie numerous times so they are seriously my favorite! So fans out there...if there are any...tell me what you think of the 7.1 movie if you've seen it. or what one is your favorite. or favorite person.. anything!!!

Ok subject change! cause i've had this on my mind for a while now and want to let it out... of course having to do with guys! So...last summer, around the end-ish (july 29)(i think) me and my bf of 9 months broke was my doings and for the longest time I didn't feel a thing for breaking up with him while he still wouldn't leave me alone! then school started... I had started hangiing out with a new guy (seriously thought he was my perfect match... but i'll get to him in a minute) and soon enough my ex got himself a new girlfriend, of course it ended up being one of the biggest know whores in his class (he's a grade ahead of me). and while we were dating he always talked shit about her... this kind of hurt me..and sadly it affected me, so i started talking to him again.. Not a good idea!! he broke up with his gf and we started kind of being friends, he considered it dating. and i feel crappy to say this but i did lead him on and made out with him a few times... for a while everything was going good... then, something... i don't even remember what happened... but it did, he turned back into the ass that i knew and made me feel like shit like he used to do! last time i heard from him he said "glad i left that bitch!" then blocked me on facebook...that was back in aug.
i don't know if i have any feelings for him anymore...i see him in the halls all the time... and i can deal with that, but he's not with another girl, so i don't feel anything.
so if you have stuck with me this long...well you must want to know whats been going on since then... So this other guy i was hanging out with... We had become really close. he was pretty much a male version of me (everyone thought we would end up together and be perfect) sad to say that's not what happened. The last time i went to his house to watch movies and all that with him, like we would always do, he had kissed me, a few times.. (he wasn't that good either at it anyways) but then almost two weeks later he tells me that he doesn't even like me! and so for about 3 weeks now we haven't talked...
hehe (: in those 3 weeks though, i've been talking to this guy who is 3 years older than me, used to like my sister (they were in the same class) and who i used to talk to in the summer of my freshman year, when he had graduated (thats when he first told me he liked me). and it's been a little over a year since we talked...
he's great, i know i sound like some stupid teenager but...really i am. and all me and him are doing is flirting. and we did this back then.. so i know how it goes and so does he. yes i like him but since this has already gone over between us i don't think i can get hurt my this. It's just nice to talk to him because we have so much in common and he's really sweet. sorry but it feels good to be called cute, beautiful, etc. so i know i shouldn't be doing this with him again probably...but it just makes me feel good.

please tell me what you think! I'd really like feedback on this one! and i'm really sorry it was this long! i really didn't mean for it to be...

ps. going to pizza hut to laugh my ass off tonight with my amazing friends (: so be happy :D
November 27th, 2010 at 04:02pm