Princess Beyonce and Winthrop Sebastian

Hollah y'all. I had a lovely day. How about you?

It all started this morning. Well really not until our arrival at the mall did it stop being blah and me being kinda angry. So I'll just skip that.

When we got to the mall, the first 20, 30 minutes was spent at Build-a-Bear 'cause they were supposed to be doing a sale for mooses for FIVE DOLLAHSS!! But then they didn't so we just got the cheapest, blandest bears they had. My friend Tori (S3x Monay) got an "ivory" bear that she named Princess Beyonce. The only clothes she got for it was a santa hat (so I guess technically no clothes). Later, she put a scene kid bandana on it as a cape. My other friend Curran (actually Cullan, but there's this whole long story about why I call her that, and I don't have the time or patience to tell you it. As a totally different sidebar, she'd rather be a Weasley than a Cullen, and she's a sophomore (meaning she wasn't named after it due to the fact that she's older than it, so no stupid jokes about Twilight) got an "ebony" bear named Winthrop Sebastian 'cause he's a hipster. He was clothed in a striped green hoodie and tortoise-shell (I think, at least something similar) glasses. We couldn't get him any pants because none had holes. How dumb, for real. I would've got one, but I really wanted a moose, soooo. Haha.

Then we later found out they came with passports for the North Pole. I hated my reindeer name because it was something dumb like Giving Cinnamon. But not that, because that's not lame enough, I just cannot remember. So I was like, pfft, I am now Moon Gingersnap!

So yeah. There was definately more fun bits, but Build-a-Bear was the best out of everything. It even beat my brother telling the stupid (future prostitute) 7th graders to not date boys but do marijuana. Ha! They later tried saying "Hi." to me. I was like, "Nuh-uh."

So, again, How was your day?
What are any of your fondest memories at Build-a-Bear slash the mall?
Would you eat a taco if it were dyed blue?
November 27th, 2010 at 10:55pm