Mary Sue's

xD I went on a little spree.

There's even a topic in the forums.

So, anyways, I know that most of my Charries (especially when they first came out when I was, like, 11) were seriously in danger of being Sue-ish.

but, I think they kind of grew out pretty well :D.

So anyways, I invite you to take these tests to see if your characters a Sue or Stu. And please, it's just for fun! :)

SO, ready for random links?

Ps. I'm so happy! >o< I took the 1st linked test for my character Sya(who I thought was, just cause the name, was in danger of being sue-ish.) and the result was fairly well. *Ahem*

Sya is suspiciously similar to you as you'd like to be. She isn't really very cool: she blends into crowds, she hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes her run into things. She may have sometimes thought that she was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. She's come in for her share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And she's gotten no slack from you.

In general, you care deeply about Sya, but you're smart enough to let her stand on her own, without burdening her with your personal fantasies or propping her up with idealization and over-dramatization. Sya is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of her.

So, um, yay? :3

Test one

Mibba forum

Test 2

DA Meme

And A very nicely written explanation of Mary Sue.
November 28th, 2010 at 11:45pm