Remember When..<3

Jimmy screamed at the BMW?
Pinkly had a spazz attack because Jimmy wanted to pick him up?
Jimmy laughed at Johnny singing Sieze the Day on stage and Johnny turned around and said “FUCK YOU REV”?
Jimmy chased the Stallion Duck?
Jimmy had enormous hair and wore kimonos?
Jimmy wrote songs about necrophilia?
Jimmy broke his kickpedal at Sonisphere?
Jimmy had that fanastico caveman beard and tore his shirt to his belly button in Vegas?
Jimmy found that steak tacos were in hibernation?
Jimmy sang about shit and grapes in buckets and boners?
Jimmy picked on Johnny for being so short?
Jimmy laughed at Johnny for dropping the 40s?
Jimmy lived in a laundromat and washed his clothes twice?
Jimmy rapped about licking on his nuts and Zacky had a giggle fit?
Jimmy laughed like crazy while recording A Little Piece of Heaven even though nothing was funny?
Jimmy ran off the bus into the woods and never came back but when he came back he was the knife master?
Jimmy didnt want to cut his fucking beautiful tie because it pained him but had Zacky cut it anyway?
Jimmy had 40s in the park with Johnny and Brian?
Jimmy got a tattoo that gave him nightmares on a place on his body that he couldnt show on tv?
Jimmy left Zacky his favorite jacket?
Jimmy wrote Avenged Sevenfold’s most popular song, Afterlife?
Jimmy’s internal organs failed him so he called himself an old Nintendo System?
Jimmy would only wear a tie and pants on stage?
Jimmy finally got Lasik?
Jimmy was arrested in Amsterdam for killing a pigeon?
Jimmy made us laugh?
Jimmy made us cry?
Jimmy is with us all, looking out for us and the boys.

November 29th, 2010 at 01:05am