What's a good gift for my boyfriend?

Wellll I've been dating my boyfriend for over eight months now, I truely do love him with my whole heart. You're probably thinking, "Oh she's just a teenager! It won't last!" I hope you know you're completely wrong actually. My boyfriend is the only person I can be my complete self around, I don't hide anything from him and it's the same with him. We really do fit together perfectly. So! That's why I need a good gift for him for Christmas! Curently I'm working on this scrapbook type of thing where it'll have poetry, love notes, little pictures and other stuff from our relationship in it but I won't be able to finish it by Christmas no matter how hard I work on it. I'm thinking about buying him the third Spiderman movie becuase it's his favorite movie and then I'll also get him some braclets as well. I'll probably try t owrite him alot of poetry as well. But if you have any other ideas just post them please. Or if you gave your special someone an amazing present I would love to hear about it!
November 29th, 2010 at 01:12am