Reading and Ditching

One of the things that bothers me most is that a lot of people don't even bother to comment on the story they read.

Imagine this. You go to your page and look at the information on of your newer stories. Readers: 30, Subscribers: 14, and Comments: 2.

Now, this may be only me, but I will wonder right away why the majority of my subscribers didn't feel the need to comment on my story. If they loved it so much that they felt the need to make sure they would get an email alert every time the story is updated, then why didn't they take three minutes out of their time to post two lines of why they liked it?

And about the readers. If you don't like it, great. You don't have to subscribe. But WHY don't you like it? Do generally don't like my writing style? Do the characters seem unrealistic? Or do you just hate the plot?

If you don't like something, give descent feedback. All it will do is make me a better author.

I doubt that I'm the only one, but at least to me, it can be very discouraging for people not to comment on my story. Next time you read someones story, at least try to come up with some feedback.
November 29th, 2010 at 01:50am