
This is the meaning of inspiration according to the dictionary.

Inspiration: n, stimulation to do creative work. Stimulation for the human mind to create thought or to the making of art.

This is a journal about my many inspirations. All throughout my life, there have been people that I have come to admire for various reasons. The biggest inspiration in my life at the moment is my family.

Needless to say that with all of the things going on in the world, we're having some difficult times. It's hard to pay bills and whatnot and we're doing all we can just to keep a roof over our heads.

Despite all of this, however, we still remain in good spirits. My family inspires me because no matter what life happens to throw at us; as long as we're together, we'll always find a way and that is a value that I will carry with me throughout my entire life.

As long as you're alive and well, it doesn't matter what life throws at you because where there's a will, there's a way.

My second inspiration is a man by the name of Frank Iero. Ever since discovering the band My Chemical Romance in the 4th grade, I've been in love with that man. Not just for his physical appearance in spite of how amazing it may be; but because of the soul that drives him to do everything that he does.

Listening to his words in interviews and watching him preform live on stage shows that he is very dedicated to his music and to his fans. He's always been someone to speak about believing in yourself and not worrying about what other people will think about it.

Because of Frank, I have been able to really search for what I like and follow through with what I believe in; no matter what the crowds may say. All of the men in My Chemical Romance are inspirational; but Frank will always have a place in my heart for really being able to get that message through to me.

And those are my inspirations! :D
Now let me ask... what are yours??
November 29th, 2010 at 08:51am